September 14+15 2024 1K Cash Tournaments - Decks and Dice

Sept 14, 2024 Overdress Final Standings:
39 Players

May be an image of 4 people and text
May be an image of 2 people, television and text

1st: Andre Tutt - Arkhite - 5P11S
2nd: Cudan - Shojodoji - 1D6D2
3rd: Antonio Tutt Jr. - Rezael - 6SF00
4th: Giovanny Acosta - Heroes - 2WFM6
5th: Zoran Belfranin - Lianorn - 6JYXS
6th: Tomias Scott - Lianorn - 6JYXS
7th: Erick Zurita - Gandeeva - 7D3A0
8th: Matthew Rivers - Lianorn - 72648

Sept 15, 2024 Premium Final Standings:
29 Players
May be an image of 4 people and text

1st: Antonio Tutt Jr - Gredora - 2XERJ
2nd: Estevan Solis - Granblue - 3MNKE
3rd: Brian - Musketeer - 5VQZA
4th: Matthew Rivers - Musketeer - 35U9S
5th: Erick Zurita - Jewel Knights - 4F9ES
6th: Anderson Williams - Shiranui - 14X7A
7th: Jerrold Friend - Granblue - 42DW4
8th: Brieun Fagan - Angel Feather Gyze - 4JB40

May be an image of 6 people and text
May be an image of 7 people, table and text
May be an image of 4 people, table and text
May be an image of 6 people, table and text
May be an image of 7 people and text
May be an image of 5 people and text
May be an image of 10 people and text
May be an image of 11 people, people studying and table
May be an image of 2 people and text
May be an image of 3 people and text
May be an image of 5 people and text
May be an image of 9 people and text
May be an image of 7 people and text
May be an image of 8 people
May be an image of 11 people, table and text